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Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3 V13.2.0.41 Keygen |VERIFIED|: What's New in the Latest Version


I've been a psp user since version 7 and everytime they had a new one I would upgrade to the latest version. I use photoshop, too but I can see psp is a much user-friendly program for everyone and an affordable one at that point. I just bought a laptop and there is a corelpsp installed in it. at first I thought why was it called corel now? I had no idea of whatsoever, then I tried using it since I was very curious at that time. I've seen some extra stuff added to it but I think the greatest version of them all is version 9. the latest one is very slow and I can't believe it doesn't come with an animation shop which I really love to use. how sad. I was dismayed at this version and I can't wait for the trial program to be over so I can switch back to psp 9. I guess I gotta give it a 2. I loved it but I love the previous versions better. =/

Regretfully I have to confirm all the negative reviews which I read below. PSPXI is a buggy and unreliable product, which can be read even at Corel usenet groups (corel.PaintShopProXI at usenet server). The patch actually WORSEN some things e.g. EXIF data is unrecoverably deleted if your pictures are taken after the 8th of December, 2006 and you edit your photographs with PSPXI v.11.11. I also had problems with registering the product (it was bought as a gift by my American friend. I live in Europe, and the box was sent to me), and Corel left me alone with the faulty product. Stick with the older versions of PSP!

Corel Paintshop Photo Pro X3 V13.2.0.41 Keygen |VERIFIED|


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